Source code for tgram.methods.get_custom_emoji_stickers

import tgram
from typing import List
from tgram.types import Sticker

[docs] class GetCustomEmojiStickers:
[docs] async def get_custom_emoji_stickers( self: "tgram.TgBot", custom_emoji_ids: List[str] ) -> List[Sticker]: """ Use this method to get information about custom emoji stickers by their identifiers. Returns an Array of Sticker objects. :param custom_emoji_ids: List of custom emoji identifiers. At most 200 custom emoji identifiers can be specified. :type custom_emoji_ids: :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` :return: Returns an Array of Sticker objects. :rtype: :obj:`list` of :class:`tgram.types.Sticker` """ result = await self._send_request( "getCustomEmojiStickers", custom_emoji_ids=custom_emoji_ids, ) return [Sticker._parse(me=self, d=i) for i in result["result"]]