Source code for tgram.utils.types

import tgram
import os
import re

from typing import Optional, List, Union, Tuple
from pathlib import Path
from io import BytesIO

from tgram import utils

[docs] def message_origin_parse( d: Optional[dict] = None, me: Optional["tgram.TgBot"] = None ) -> Optional["tgram.types.MessageOrigin"]: if d is None: return None origin_type = d["type"] return ( tgram.types.MessageOriginUser._parse(me=me, d=d) if origin_type == "user" else tgram.types.MessageOriginHiddenUser._parse(me=me, d=d) if origin_type == "hidden_user" else tgram.types.MessageOriginChat._parse(me=me, d=d) if origin_type == "chat" else tgram.types.MessageOriginChannel._parse(me=me, d=d) )
[docs] def convert_input_media( x: List[Union["tgram.types.InputMedia", "tgram.types.InputPaidMedia"]], ): files = {} count = 1 for y in x: if ( isinstance(, (Path, str)) and os.path.isfile( or isinstance(, (bytes, BytesIO)) ): files[f"file_{count}"] = utils.get_file_path( = f"attach://file_{count}" count += 1 if hasattr(y, "thumbnail") and getattr(y, "thumbnail"): if ( isinstance(y.thumbnail, (Path, str)) and os.path.isfile(y.thumbnail) ) or isinstance(y.thumbnail, (bytes, BytesIO)): files[f"file_{count}"] = utils.get_file_path(y.thumbnail) y.thumbnail = f"attach://file_{count}" count += 1 if hasattr(y, "cover") and getattr(y, "cover"): if ( isinstance(y.cover, (Path, str)) and os.path.isfile(y.cover) ) or isinstance(y.cover, (bytes, BytesIO)): files[f"file_{count}"] = utils.get_file_path(y.cover) y.thumbnail = f"attach://file_{count}" count += 1 return x, files
[docs] def reaction_type_parse( bot: "tgram.TgBot", x: Optional[Union[List[dict], dict]], ) -> "tgram.types.ReactionType": if x is None: return None x = x if isinstance(x, list) else [x] return [ ( tgram.types.ReactionTypeCustomEmoji._parse(bot, i) if i["type"] == "custom_emoji" else tgram.types.ReactionTypeEmoji._parse(bot, i) if i["type"] == "emoji" else tgram.types.ReactionTypePaid._parse(bot, i) ) for i in x ]
pattern = re.compile( r"^(https?):\/\/" r"([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)" r"(\.[a-zA-Z]{2,})" r"(\/[^\s]*)?$" )
[docs] def convert_to_inline_keyboard_markup(v: List[List[Tuple]]): return tgram.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [ tgram.types.InlineKeyboardButton( x, callback_data=y if not re.match(pattern, y) else None, url=y if re.match(pattern, y) else None, ) for x, y in z ] for z in v ] )